How to Design and Sew the Volumizer
BS”D בשם ה’ נעשה ונצליח. This tutorial is about designing and sewing a volumizer, a hair accessory that adds extra volume when worn underneath a head scarf.

My Sloper Updates March 2017
BS”D In the name of Heaven, we will do and we will succeed. Here is a roundup of our latest updates to My Sloper for March 2017.

My Sloper Updates
BS”D With the help of Heaven, we will do and we will succeed. Here is a list of updates in My Sloper that will be most beneficial to you.

My Sloper Blouse 3.0 Released
BS”D With gratitude to G-d, KosherPatterns.com is pleased to announce the release of My Sloper Blouse 3.0! We can’t wait to tell you what’s new in My Sloper Blouse 3.0.