Design Sleeve Pattern with My Sloper Sleeve 3.0
Are you looking to add sleeves to your sleeveless tops and dresses? Do you find drafting a sleeve pattern challenging? Does sewing a Set-in sleeve just as daunting? Does the extra ...

Ideas for Faux Jumper Dresses
B”H Many modest women and girls choose to layer by combining sleeveless tops or dresses with modest sleeved blouses, sometimes called the “shell.” In this article we will show you how ...

My Sloper Dress 2.0 Released
B”H We are pleased to announce the release of My Sloper Dress 2.0, with new dress patterns and sleeve hem styling and other new goodies.

Sewing for Babies & Toddlers
B”H The news of the arrival of a newborn baby girl often times brings the creative juices flowing. If you have time in your hands, you may automatically think about sewing ...