My Sloper Headwear PDF Tutorial
BS”D בשם ה’ נעשה ונצליח! Looking for a PDF tutorial on how to sew hair coverings? Take a look at this PDF tutorial that accompanies My Sloper Headwear software.

How to Design and Sew the Volumizer
BS”D בשם ה’ נעשה ונצליח. This tutorial is about designing and sewing a volumizer, a hair accessory that adds extra volume when worn underneath a head scarf.

Two-piece Roll Collar Tutorial
A client would like to know if a roll collar can be designed and sewn as two pieces instead of the traditional one. Here is our answer.
Tips for Sewing Waistband to Skirt
Sewing a waistband to a skirt may sound easy, however, sometimes we may find that the waistband that we cut from the pattern does not fit the waist girth of the skirt ...